Such a clear exposition of what could happen to Idaho if Prop 1 passes. Thank you, Sen Lenney!

This excellent article will soon appear in a collection of DOZENS of articles, some videos, and an overview of Prop 1. For those who want to see most of what has been written about Prop 1 since this terrible idea was a glimmer in left-leaning brains, check out Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom at https://eolson47.substack.com/p/jungle-primaries-and-ranked-choice

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Australia has its own version of RCV. Voters have to rank ALL candidates. Then, as candidates drop out, their "preferences" are assigned up the line. The two major parties - Labor ~approximately Democrats in the US, and Liberal ~approximately Republican in US, end up with more or less 50% each of all the votes cast on what is referred to as the "2-party preferred basis." It's virtually impossible for any minor candidate to enter parliament regardless of how credible they are. This is a big factor in Australia being such a socialist country

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